The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council General Assembly was held in 2008.

The Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council held its 2016 General Meeting on 27 June 2016.

Date and time Mon, 27 Jun 2016, 16:00-17:00.
Location. University of Tokyo Future Centre (Satellite in front of Kashiwanoha Campus Station, University of Tokyo)
Agenda Proposal 1: Personnel changes of officers
Proposal 2: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council Business Report for FY 2015 and Business Plan for FY 2016
Proposal 3: Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council’s financial report for FY 2015 and budget plan for FY 2016.
Special lecture Challenges of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo – as a vital research institute for the age
Teruo Fujii, Director, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Greetings from Professor Suda, Chairman of the Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council


Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council, general meeting implementation 1


Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council, general meeting implementation 2


Kashiwa ITS Promotion Council Special Lecture in action