As of May 31, 2024
- Theme:Study on measures to solve traffic problems and revitalise the city centre through the use of ICT,Study of measures to restructure the public transport network to improve transport convenience in the city
- chairman:Associate Professor Yozo Hiraiwa, University of Tokyo
Main activities in FY2023
- ●Public subscription and implementation of the demonstration of the migration policy survey.
- ●Holding of subcommittees (twice: 21 September 2023 and 21 February 2024).
- ・Reports on demonstration projects in Kashiwa-no-ha, topics on public transport-related initiatives, etc.

Report on the initiative to investigate circulation measures using an application linked to transport destinations.
(Mr Tanaka, scheme verge Co.)

Introduction of digital signage in front of Kashiwa Station
(Mr. Sato, Kashiwa City Traffic Policy Division)
Draft activity plan for FY2024
- ●The following activities will be considered based on the results of the data analysis of the initiatives implemented in FY2023 to link the area and mobility using the Kashiwa-no-ha area touring application, as well as examining ways to improve the attractiveness and wellbeing of the area by increasing the level of circulation within the area.
- ●Other issues related to the revitalisation of the city centre and the application of ITS technology will also be examined on an ongoing basis, while information on issues related to public transport in the city will be shared and the possibility of using ITS technology in the Kashiwa city area will be examined.